Monday 13 February 2012

Little Dogs!

I am sorry for the delay in the updates but I haven't been very well, but I will reward you greatly for you patience with a video Mum and Matt took for me while I was in hospital so that I didn't miss anything.
Before I went to hospital the pups were really getting to grips with walking, they were recognising me; responding to my voice and smell and rough-housing with each other. They had taken an interest in the couple of toys we had placed in their box, but not yet done anything other than sniff and prod them.
I was so worried while I was away that they would forget me or that I was going to miss some big changes. At the bottom of this post is video Mum took on the 10th Feb.
Haven't they grown!
When I came back from hospital I was relieved to find they remember me and excited to see that they were now playing with toys AND that their little teeth were coming through.
Yesterday morning on their 3 week birthday Rogue got a leg up from one of her brothers and made it out of the Whelping box! Luckily I was there to catch her, but I decided there and then that it was time to open the whelping box up and give them FREEDOM! And so they now have access to the entire whelping room.
Here are some pictures of them enjoying their first taste of freedom! (Gambit, Rogue, Beast then Mimic)

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