Thursday 2 February 2012

Puppy Stats

As the puppies continue to grow, stumble around blindly and begin to look more like little dogs I took a look at the information I have been gathering on them. Yesterday they were 10 days old - by this time they are supposed to have doubled their birth weight; all apart from Beast have (he missed his target by 11g but let's face it he had a pretty impressive birth weight!).
I have also put together their BioSensor results to date to see how they compare with each other. They started the programme at 3 days old and only took a day off when I did their toenails as I didn't want to over stimulate them.

I awarded them 2 points per activity for staying happy, 1 point for a small protest (like taking away a paw when you tickle it or wriggling when put in the various positions) and I awarded them No points for a full on crying protest.

This is how they compared on a day to day basis:

And their totals:

I'm not really reading anything into the results as the point of the programme is to stimulate the puppies. In fact I'm not sure there are even supposed to be any results other than the end result of supposedly 'superior' puppies, but I did think it would be interesting to compare them. You could argue that Beast is the calmest most well balanced pup and see that as a positive or that he is passive and boring (not my thoughts! Just how some people might view them), the same as you could read that Rogue is the easiest to upset OR that she is the smartest and most responsive.

What goes on in their little puppy minds? As part of a veterinary research project Sarah Lindsey has been doing she will be performing Character assessments on a number of litters including Hex's when they are around 4-5 weeks old, it will be interesting to see how her results compare to the BioSensor results I have collected.

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