Saturday 14 January 2012

Active Cupcakes!

I wasn't going to do another post until the 'Cupcakes' were cooked, mainly because other than updates on how Hex is doing I couldn't really report on the Cupcakes themselves but that changed on the 10th of January when I felt movement for the first time.
At first I thought I was just feeling something because I wanted to, but then a firm mass (a bottom or head) pushed outwards and shifted under my hand again. The next day a 'knock knock knock' from within; a little limb maybe? Matt was too grossed out to have a feel himself but then Mum came round the next day and was equally impressed by the activity and strength of Hex's precious cargo. They are particularly active at night, especially when Hex is asleep, I sit her next to me of an evening and watch television with one hand on her tummy feeling little lumps and bumps shifting around.

Having never been a Mum myself I find is especially amazing that there are little lives in there just waiting to come out, it all feels so very real and surreal at the same time, but the whelping room is now 100% ready for action which we expect in just 8 days time! 8 days doesn't sound like a long time, but when you can feel them moving and living inside of Hex, it becomes a very long time! I just can't wait to meet them, see what colours and markings we get and then watch them grow as little people.

Hex had her pre-whelp haircut on the 12th enabling us to actually SEE movement so tonight as a special treat I thought I would try to video some movement. But getting the right angle and lighting is hard, because obviously although the movement FEELS huge, from the outside it's just a ripple or the occasional jumping nipple. I thought that the movement would be easiest to see on her pink bits and you can see the odd ripple, but actually watching the video back you can see the most movement in the fur above her 2 rear nipples (top of the screen) where there is a circular parting of the fur which you can see change shape and move as they do.

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