My Mum needed to think of a Kennel Club name for him, having never been through this process before and not knowing where to start she took the name of our road (Monkstone Drive) and combined it with his nickname and so he became 'Monkstone Scrapman'!
Scrappy learnt agility with my Mum, he then taught it to both my brother and myself, he was a very special dog; a true gent.

The Snooky/Hex mating was planned over 18 months ago and Clive kindly agreed to let me revive the Monkstone name and honour the dogs which got me started. Following an application to the Kennel Club, I now own the Kennel Name 'Monkstone' which means so much to me and I feel a great amount of joy that any future puppies will wear it with pride and that the memories of the dogs I cherish live on. I know that there are some long standing agility competitors who will hear the name 'Monkstone' and smile at a memory or two.
Only time will tell what Monkstone's will enter the world in 3 weeks time. I just hope that they are all happy, healthy puppies and that they give their new Mummys & Daddys everything the Monkstones before them had to offer and more.
Well that was your mother in tears in 30 seconds flat!!. Such a lovely piece which honored our Monkstone "originals". I am SO glad you choose to revive this name especially as soon 18 Monkstone Drive will not be The Skinners home at all.We acquired the house in 1990 the same year Monkstone Scrapman was born.Twenty years of unbelievable memories with unbelievable dogs..gosh I'm off again. Where's the Kleenex. lol xx